Friday, September 30, 2011

Part 14 of PML’s: How does a Voice Talent Prepare for a Session?

We asked some of our top 100 voice talents to find out how they get ready for a voice session. Here is what Kelli C. says...

“Preparing for a recording session first begins with the time of year we are
in! Considering that I work from my home studio and have children, I need to
make the proper adjustments when it's session time!  During the summer, that
consists of making sure my studio surroundings are nice and quiet!
Once that is accomplished, I get my recording equipment ready.  I always
have the script in hand before a session starts. I read over it and gear
myself up for the type of client/product it is and ready myself for the type
of read the client is most likely looking for. I have my water ready and a
smile on my face!”

More responses from other talents are coming soon!

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