Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Final Cut Pro Basics:

Final Cut Pro is a great tool for editing your footage. To optimize your Final Cut experience, here are a few things to remember throughout your project.

Get Organized
Before editing a project, it is important designate where media is saved to prevent you from losing your files within your computer. This is called setting a scratch disk. You can set the scratch disks by choosing the scratch disk tab in system settings and saving your project to the appropriate folder.

Format Video
Some clients request footage in HD format while others prefer standard format. Depending on your client’s needs, it is recommended to correctly format the video size settings before capturing and editing your project. This will ensure your client’s satisfaction and prevent you from having to recapture and edit footage.

Prepare Audio
When editing a project, try to make sure that your audio levels do not go “in the red.” This means that the levels are too high, which results in a distorted sound. Although the audio may appear fine when listening on the computer, when the footage is exported the distortion will be apparent. Try listening to the audio levels with headphones to hear the true sound.

Protect Your Project
Remember to continuously save throughout the editing process! You do not want to lose hours of hard work due to unexpected technical issues.

Ryan Maloney, Michelle Ortendahl, and Ashley Roberts
Interns, Propulsion Media Labs
Communication Studies, Villanova University, West Chester University, and La Salle University

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