Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google+, the Next Best Social Media for Businesses?

Social Media sites have been around for over a solid ten years ever since gateway sites like Myspace and Xanga littered our monitors. Myspace has come and gone. Facebook is a must-have, and it seems like everyone and their grandma has a Twitter account. But, is Facebook’s moment of fame coming to a close?
Now Google+ is making it’s way into the main stream of social networking sites. But, how can Google+ help small companies? They can aid them just like how Facebook gave companies an online presence. However with Spark and the +1 button, Google+ does a lot of legwork for you because it links you to people and organizations that share your interests. The downside of Google+ is it doesn’t provide a private message function. If you want to talk to someone privately then you have to send an email (which is more professional anyway.)
A lot of people love the site so far because it looks appealing, it integrates well with other Google apps, and best of all there are no annoying third party apps yet. No more Farmville requests littering your notifications. Enjoy that while it lasts.

Jordan Eckenrode

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