Thursday, June 16, 2011

Employee Face-Off



1. How long have you been with Propulsion?

Andrew: 5 years

Tom: 14 years

2. Have you ever had your heart broken?

Andrew: I don't think I have a heart.

Tom: Almost.

3. What annoys you the most at work?

Andrew: If there isn't a clear communication of vital details.

Tom: Losing some of the cable channels in the building.

4. Would you ever have plastic surgery, if yes, where?

Andrew: Yes, I would get shin implants.

Tom: No

5. Do you prefer working in the winter or summertime?

Andrew: Winter

Tom: Summer

6. Do you use Firefox or Safari?

Andrew: Safari

Tom: Both

7. Would you rather eat in or out?

Andrew: Out

Tom: Eat in, I have more control over what I eat.

8. Would you rather use a laptop or desktop?

Andrew: Laptop

Tom: Desktop

9. What is your favorite type of spot to work on?

Andrew: Political Advertisements

Tom: Anything creative, an ad that makes you think

10. Do you prefer Chinese, Mexican, or Italian food?

Andrew: Chinese

Tom: Italian

11. How many projects do you work on daily?

Andrew: 5 to 10

Tom: 8 or 9

12. Do you prefer Microsoft or apple?

Andrew: Apple

Tom: Apple

13. Do you prefer comedy or horror?

Andrew: Comedy

Tom: Comedy

14. Do you mainly work with video or audio?

Andrew: Video

Tom: Audio

15. Blondes or Brunettes?

Andrew: Brunettes

Tom: Brunettes

16. Which day during the work week is your favorite?

Andrew: Friday

Tom: 3:26 pm on a Wednesday

17. Microwave or Toaster oven?

Andrew: Toaster Oven

Tom: Microwave

18. Come in early or work late?

Andrew: Work Late

Tom: Come in early

19. What is the secret to your success in one word?

Andrew: "Screw-it"

Tom: "Dedication"

written by
Jennifer Stow
Summer 2011 Intern
Kutztown University

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Ted said...
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